Finals week is among the most stressful times during college. Here are 11 playlists we could use to help us through this trying time. Enjoy reading this list while procrastinating!
1. Synth Songs to Stress Eat To
Whatever you’re eating, it’s going to taste sweet and the crunching will sound even better with those sweet, melodic, synthesizers.
2. Pop Procrastination
Jump up and down and shake those hips. With moves like these, you can’t be bothered with picking up that giant American History Anthology, no matter how many chapters behind you are. Because, at this moment, nailing that pop and lock is way more important than World War 1.
3. Rock & Roll for Roommate Fights
This list is comprised of the most badass, head-banging rock ballads. Loud enough to hide any and all roommate arguments. From minor ones, like who ate the peanut butter, to the major ones, like who’s flirting with your boyfriend — and even covering the embarrassing ones, like who farted? These songs have the best beat for yelling, screaming, and yes, even stress-fight-farting.
4. Fake it with the Classics
Get your butt to the library, put on your fake glasses, and tune in to Mozart, Beethoven and Bach. Even if you’re not getting any work done, you look the part and with your music choice, and seem even more genius.
5. Freak Out with Folk Music
Cry, scream, jump around, and call your mom for a nice freak out phone sesh with these tunes accompanying your tears in the background.
6. I just don’t know anymore! with Indie Rock
These artists are just as confused as you are! Close that textbook and put your head down with confidence. These are tunes you can relate to.
7. Cram with Country
It’s study time and these upbeat ballads will help you get through it. So what, you’ve got less than 12 hours to learn all you can about microbiology? With Shania Twain’s heartfelt songs you’ll be furiously note-taking and memorizing every single detail about microscopic, unicellular organisms with ease.
8. All American All-Nighter
Get your patriotic attitude on, this is America and you are ready to be the best American you can be with an all-night study sesh. By the dawn’s early light you’ll still be there and ready for the Chem final.
9. Sleep to Symphonies
After multiple all nighters and late nigh study sessions, you deserve some R&R. Get into bed and turn up these beautiful, lyric-less, tunes. Give your mind the rest it needs before heading home to tell your parents you’re failing microbiology.