Everyone needs a night in once in a while. Suspend your FOMO and enjoy a relaxing night on the couch. Feel free to use any of these excuses as necessary.
1. You have a coupon that is about to expire for your favorite Chinese take-out place.
2. Your pup seems like he needs some company.
3. Three words: Harry Potter Weekend.
4. It’s just too cold/rainy/weather-y outside.
5. You just realized how many great movies are on Netflix this month.
6. Picking an outfit seems like an impossible task.

7. You haven’t had a solid eight hours of sleep in recent memory.
8. There’s some very important online shopping to be done.
9. You’re pretty sure your friend’s hot guy friend isn’t in town this weekend anyway.
10. Amy Poehler’s book isn’t going to read itself.
11. Your liver is begging you for a break.
12. You’ve always meant to start that scrapbook.

13. Sweatpants are just too comfortable.
14. Bras are just too uncomfortable.
15. …As are heels.
16. A soak in the bath seems like heaven.
17. You discovered some ice cream hiding in your freezer.
18. You’d rather just call your mom and talk for an hour or two.
19. A new issue of Cosmopolitan came in the mail.
20. You haven’t watched The Notebook in a while.
21. You’re busy rediscovering 90’s music.
22. Facetiming with your friend who moved across the country.
23. You’d just rather not interact with people.
24. That bottle of wine is calling your name.