Adam Levine might seem like sort of a douche canoe, but that doesn’t make him any less irresistible — and this Ignition video is proof. While I try not to love Ignition because R. Kelly’s shaping up to be on Bill Cosby’s level, I can’t stop listening to this cover… on repeat… for forever. The best part? Adam’s obviously been practicing. You know this is the official serenade of Victoria’s Secret Angels everywhere. I’m sure they’re all watching this janky video footage (seriously, If I was a member of that audience I would be dead silent), and realizing that his swan song has gone live.
If you have an office party coming up, it’s entirely likely that someone will get far too intoxicated and think that they’re a superstar, either attempting karaoke or an office-wide sing-along. Unfortunately, it’s less likely that Adam Levine will appear and break it down all sexy-like. You’ll have to be a contestant on The Voice for that kind of office party hijinks (so ask for personal voice lessons for Christmas now).