Let’s be real, here. Angelina Jolie hasn’t exactly been America’s sweetheart. It could be because she drank her brother’s blood, or maybe it happened when she stole Brad Pitt away from Jennifer Aniston. Whatever it is, she’s certainly made a comeback in recent years. Post-break up, there were certainly nasty things said about Angelina all over the world… but this might be the worst yet.
There was a massive leak from Sony’s offices, and the latest leak shows a movie producer talking serious smack about the Maleficent star. The ladies over at theSkimm have been talking about the leak for weeks, because people are speculating that it’s revenge against Sony for releasing The Interview, which is about Seth Rogen and James Franco teaming up to kill Kim Jong-Un. The hackers have released salary information, Social Security numbers, and private emails like this.
Hackers snuck into the inbox of Amy Pascal, co-chair of Sony, who was discussing Angelina Jolie with movie producer Scott Rudin. They were trying to get David Fincher to direct Jobs, but Angelina wanted him to direct her Cleopatra movie, instead.
Pascal had a heated exchange with Rudin this February when the state of the movie Jobs, a Steve Jobs biopic written by Aaron Sorkin, was uncertain. Rudin was trying to convince David Fincher, who also directedThe Social Network, to take on another tech-billionaire story. When Pascal tried to defuse the situation, Rudin responded with this gem.
If you engage in this again, we will end up losing Fincher on the one we want him to do and will be stuck with shoving him onto a movie with no script that, underneath it all, you know in your heart and your brain should never be made. […] I’m not remotely interested in presiding over a $180m ego bath that we both know will be the career-defining debacle for us both. I’m not destroying my career over a minimally talented spoiled brat who thought nothing of shoving this off her plate for eighteen months so she could go direct a movie. I have no desire to be making a movie with her, or anybody, that she runs and that we don’t. She’s a camp event and a celebrity and that’s all and the last thing anybody needs is to make a giant bomb with her that any fool could see coming. We will end up being the laughing stock of our industry and we will deserve it, which is so clearly where this is headed that I cannot believe we are still wasting our time with it.