If you grew up in the ’90s, congratulations. You grew up in the greatest decade, like, ever. And if you happened to be in middle school during the ’90s? Well, that’s just a double whammy.
Let’s journey back to those glory days, shall we? Here are 20 things you’ll definitely remember from junior high …
1. Asking SmarterChild inappropriate questions when you were bored.
2. Having multiple categories on your buddylist for certain people, ex: Friends, Family, BeSt BiTcHeS, <3 Greg <3
3. Wearing your hair “crunchy” with gel or mousse.
4. Listing all of your friends’ initials in your AIM profile (from best to worst, of course.)
5. Jean skirts & Uggs.
6. Skorts.
7. Platform shoes.
8. Starter jackets (even if you weren’t a sports fan.
9. Conair straighteners (which never worked.)
10. Spending more time folding your notes than actually writing them.
11. Coming up with random names for your group of friends, like The Sexy Seven.
12. WhEn WoRst CoMes tO WoRsT, My GiRLs CoMe FirSt.
13. Your favorite CD.
15. Acting like your life was a soap opera.
16. Roll-on body glitter.
17. Butterfly hair clips.
18. Desperately wanting to be as cool as Cher Horowitz.
19. Titanic and your ridiculous obsession with Leonardo DiCaprio.
20. Playing Brian McKnight’s ‘Back At One’ (or NSYNC’s ‘God Must Have Spent a Little More Time’) on repeat as you fall asleep and think of your crush.