No Caroline in this episode! No Caroline is like having Thanksgiving without turkey or a frat party without alcohol. There’s no reason for this. With one more episode left before the midseason finale, let’s see how many of the big guns the show pulled out.
“No, I’m always hungry because I’m a vegetarian”- with one line, drunk Dr. Jo has proven to be much funnier than her sober self. Too bad for her that Alaric only got her drunk to get the ascendant out. He pretty much gave her the crappiest 1 month relationship gift–her suicidal brother, Kai, can now escape from his prison and attack her! Way to move that relationship along.
9 episodes in and Jeremy is finally acting like a real person! He’s not being the baby alcoholic womanizer we’ve come to love. He was actually exercising! Looking like the picture of health and poster boy for sleeveless T-shirts. But then, of course the wind got knocked out of his sails when Elena mentioned that they can save Bonnie again. This boy must be cursed to never have a stable girlfriend.
Kai in the cab spouted more truths about modern life in a minute than any other ancient vampire on this show. Why are jeans so skinny when phones are so big? I found myself nodding and agreeing with him, almost liking him but then he had to go kill the cabbie with the earbuds. Undignified way to go out.
Tyler really seems to dig having Liv as his real-life Rapunzel. After kidnapping her, she finally broke free to help Damon and Elena get back to 1994, which will basically lead to her death. Shoulda listened to Tyler girl.
Only in 1994 would it be better to say that you have an audition tape to The Real World rather than admitting that you have a video journal. I don’t know about you but I bet Damon had both back in the day.
“Damon is my friend, he wouldn’t do that to me” – awww, my heart broke for Alaric when he believed that Damon wouldn’t compel him. Poor, poor beautiful sweet Ric.
Elena’s rage walk away from Damon was #flawless. Really though, her hair looked break as she tried to put distance between herself and her ex with the misguided morals. He cannot win with this girl.
“Cobrakai72″ should be a Twitter handle if it’s not already. I don’t even use Twitter but this boy seems to have the most interesting things to say out of anyone on the show. He’s a great little psychopath.
Tyler and Liv as a couple may be growing on me. Since he’s stalking her, he was able to show up just in time when Kai attempted to kill her. He knows what’s up.
Seeeeee, my instincts of watching this show for 6 seasons has finally started to award me. It was clear from the get-go that there was something off with this Sarah Salvatore chick. For some reason, she’s a con girl pretending to be her when the real Sarah Salvatore had a happy life and goes to Duke. Can’t fool Stefan. Kind of weird that she just tried to Single White Female the real Sarah’s life though.
Damon’s emotional speech about Bonnie might be the thing that sways Elena in his favor. If this was the books, apparently Damon and Bonnie get together at some point but that looks super unlikely to happen because despite their constant break-ups, TV Elena and Damon are FOREVER.
“I’m sorry I compelled away the memories. They were only half mine.” – finally, Elena shows some remorse for doing that. Props to her.
Poor Bonnie, always shows up just a bit too late. The sadness in her eyes at seeing that they were gone was just too real.
Matt seems to think that he can kill Enzo?? This boy can never have any peace. But who knows, maybe he can do it? (Doubtful, doubtful, doubtful)
All in all, it was a good week! Caroline better be back, she has a man to get! Until next time!