It’s no secret that the entire universe is buzzing about how freakin’ stylish French girls are. It’s just a fact: They have the elegant, effortless style we all covet.
I have a little guess as to why they just seem to nail it every single time and here it is: They seek quality over quantity; building a tightly edited wardrobe of incredible basics is the first step to emulating that super-chic style.
Check out this article about French girl style for more insight into it – and don’t forget to guess which American woman is deemed an ‘honors French woman’ in the article. I’ll give you a in hint. She’s described with the following quote: “She has this moderation in her style. She wants to show you a projection of her as a powerful woman, a smart woman, rather than a sexy girl. And, I think that’s very fresh.”
Mull over that for a bit while shopping these seven fabulous pieces that’ll put you on the path to that flawless French girl je ne said quoi.