It’s 3:00 P.M. on Friday and buses are picking you up at 7:00 for your date party. For some of us, that means time to take a nap and set an alarm for about 5:30. For the rest of us, that means you’re way behind schedule.
We all know going out when you’re not in the mood will automatically put a damper on your night, and getting ready can really affect your mood. Getting ready for a night out, date party, etc. can cause a complete turn in your night, and more importantly can, determine how you feel about yourself. It’s possibly one of the best feelings in the world to take all the time you want to make yourself look and feel damn good. In the wise words of Jenna Marbles: “This shit is fucking sacred to us.” It’s our perfect Zen in disguise.
If getting ready in a hurry just comes naturally to you, try taking a long time and let yourself relax. Paint your nails, have a drink, do your hair, practice your ass shaking, test out different eye makeup, and EAT DINNER. This process is half the fun of going out. Make it a group effort to get all your friends’ opinions on what to wear, and this will immediately make you even more excited for the night.
Go ahead and prep a few days in advance — go get your nails done, get your haircut, and if you’re feeling the need, get a spray tan. This will make prepping the night of move a little more swiftly. However, if spending money on things like that is a little too frivolous for you (believe me, I’m right there with you), it may be easier to do it yourself a few days before.
It’s all about making sure you feel good about yourself, so you can walk into the party feeling like a boss ass bitch. Don’t feel shameful for taking hours to get ready. Yeah, you took four hours, and you feel hot as hell, so what? Seriously cherish this time in college to be able to take all the time in the world and to just waste the day away. Sometimes, it’s just what a girl needs.