We all know what Thanksgiving is really about: eating as much food as humanly possible, while trying to achieve the right balance of all the pies and all the mashed potatoes. So when your looking for some TV to act as your Thanksgiving entertainment, you don’t have to go straight to the officially themed episodes, just check out the one’s that focus on food. You can empathize with the character’s indigestion as you roll yourself onto the couch.
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Band Candy”
While the Thanksgiving episode of Buffy is a classic (poor Xander and his ancient curse case of syphillis) you can only watch it so many times, and if you’re still looking for some Buffy-themed Thanksgiving entertainment, “Band Candy” is perfect viewing material. Giles and Ms. Summers 4EVA. They were a way better couple than Angel and Buffy ever were (and their sex, even on a cop car, wasn’t nearly as dangerous).
2. Gilmore Girls “The Hobbit, the Sofa and Digger Stiles”
There aren’t really many episodes of Gilmore Girls that aren’t about food. If they were Friends episodes they’d be called “The One Where Rory Eats All That Indian Food” or “The One Where the Gilmore Girls’ Eating Habits Resemble Those of Hobbits.” But one of the best food moments on the show was Sookie’s fancy feast made for a children’s birthday party. I’m with the kids on this one, God never intended macaroni and cheese to be green.
3. 30 Rock “Sandwich Day”
You don’t get between Liz Lemon and her food, especially her special sub and dipping sauce from the mystery location. Watch as Liz Lemon succeeds in having it all: the perfect sandwich and a airport reconciliation.
4. Parks and Recreation “Sweetums”
Leslie’s beloved waffles are highlighted in several classic episodes (like the ones Ben kindly delivers in Flu Season) but one of the best food moments in Parks and Rec comes in this town hall meeting when an increasingly frustrated Anne tries to explain why an energy bar isn’t the healthiest snack option (and that syrup doesn’t come from a bush).
5. Supernatural “My Bloody Valentine”
Definitely not an episode to check out after you’ve eaten your turkey dinner, Famine (one of the four horseman) makes people “hungry” for what they most crave, which might mean chowing down on pizza until they (completely not figuratively) explode, or snacking on each other. Demon blood junkie Sam over indulges too of course, and he just has the worst table manners.
6. Smallville “Cravings”
Today Amy Adams is an Oscar nominated actress (and soon to be SNL host) but in 2001 she was just a humble fat sucking vampire. Like most of the meteor rock kids, at first Amy is super thrilled that her weird glowing kale shake has magic liposuction powers. But pretty soon she can’t even go for a little night ride without having to pull over to eat a deer. That’s just inconvenient.
7. Glee “Grilled Cheesus”
Finn finds Jesus in his grilled cheese. That is all. Also, worth mentioning that this is definitely before Glee jumped the shark music wise, and this episode has a beautiful cover of “Hold Your Hand.”
8. The West Wing “Shibboleth”
There’s this episode with a running green beans things, but really you need to watch the Thanksgiving episode. The president drafts a turkey into the military and it’s amazing.