Now that you know where your classes are and have become used to college life, it’s time to do a little self-exploration! Freshman year is the perfect time to put yourself out there, try things you’ve never done before, and set the stage for a great college career.
1. Play on an Intramural sports team.
Maybe you were never a star in gym class, but intramural sports are a fun way to get a group of friends together in a casual environment (that’s not a bar). Most schools have leagues for every sport from volleyball to bowling with different brackets depending on how intense you want to be. There’s nothing wrong with getting a little competitive!
2. Dress up for a party.
Themed parties rule the college scene. Don’t be afraid to get creative with an Anything-But-Clothes ensemble made entirely out of newspaper, rock some suspenders for a Freaks and Geeks bash, or ruin a white shirt at a highlighter party. Fun outfits are a great conversation starter with ladies you meet in the bathroom line or that gorgeous guy from your freshman seminar.
3. Join a club.
Joining a club, sport, or organization is an awesome way to find likeminded students who could quickly turn into your closest friends. Not only that, but taking up a leadership position within the club is a perfect addition on your resume. There are clubs for literally everything-writing, drama, chess-you name it! If you can’t find a club on campus that sparks your interest, gather up some friends and start your own.
4. Go to a game.
Show some spirit by wearing your school colors and cheering on your team! Whether it’s the biggest football game of the season or just supporting a classmate on the soccer field, sports are a great study break and way to support your school. Who cares if you don’t really understand the rules?
5. Take advantage of free stuff.
Part of your school tuition goes towards events hosted on campus for your enjoyment! Many schools are given early access to movies, cheap concerts, or bus trips to special events. On-campus events often entice attendees with free food too…a nice excuse to skip the dining hall. Also, your student ID can get you great discounts at many restaurants and stores. Do your research by checking out your school’s website and posters around campus.
6. Go to a professor’s office hours.
Freshman year might seem like it’s too early to think about jobs and internships, but it’s NEVER too early. Getting to know your professor outside class will put you at a huge advantage when it comes time to gather up references. Especially try to do this with professors you know you will have for future classes to establish a good relationship.
7. Pull an all-nighter.
It sounds horrible, but it’s pretty much inevitable. However, the satisfaction of passing an exam you just crammed for feels oh so good.